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3 Benefits of a Professional Smart Thermostat Installation

Save Energy and Stay Cool This Summer

3 Benefits of a Professional Smart Thermostat Installation

As the season winds down, you'll start to notice the sun setting a little earlier. But if you're lucky enough to live in sunny Jacksonville, the cool weather is still months away. That means you'll be getting plenty of work out of your AC unit. In our last blog, we showed you some of the surprising ways a smart security system from could help you save energy. With a professional, smart thermostat installation along with your security system, you can enjoy energy savings and simplified comfort all year round. Want to learn more? Check out the top three benefits below.

See Also: Can a Smart Home Security System Help with Energy Management? 

A Technology Partner

When you work with an integration professional, you don’t just get a shiny new thermostat. You get a technology partner who can help you through the entire process. From the initial discovery phase to the final walkthrough, you can trust you’re getting the best service and a system you’ll use every day.

At Alpha Dog, we’re experts in security and automation system installation. That means we can offer the best advice for your home and needs. We don't want you to go in blind; we want you to find the solutions that work or you. Whether it's a thermostat, audio distribution system, or complete home automation, we have all the information you need to make the right decisions.

Clean Work

Many homeowners want to save money with a DIY thermostat installation. And with some digital thermostats, that’s all you need. But when it comes to smart technology, you won’t get the most out of it unless you work with a professional.

Smart thermostats work best when they communicate with other devices. This allows them to gather more information and make informed, automatic decisions about how to save energy most efficiently. That means more devices, more wires, and more mess -- if you’re not careful. A professional installer like us can keep everything organized and clean.

Total Integration

When you have multiple devices in your smart system, you’ll have to ensure they can work together. With every system we install, you’re guaranteed full compatibility. That way, your security technology, lighting, and other smart functions can help tell your thermostat when to act.

When a thermostat connects with smart locks and an alarm, you can adjust them with a single touch on an integrated control app. As soon as you leave the house, a single tap will prepare your home. The alarm will arm, the locks with engage, and the thermostat will adjust to an energy-saving temperature.

But creating simple, fast connections between devices can be complicated if you're not an expert. One wrong move and you could have a completely useless "smart" thermostat.

So, why not work with your local security and automation professionals. If you’re interested in learning more, just give us a call at 1-904-ALPHA95 (257 4295) today!

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