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Why Is the Superior Choice for Your Home Security System

Video verification and two-way voice help you stay safe

Why Is the Superior Choice for Your Home Security System

When it comes to adding a smart home security system to your Jacksonville, FL property, you have plenty of options in front of you. Unfortunately, many of them are one-size-fits-all solutions, backed by national companies that don’t know your neighborhood. At Alpha Dog AVS, we partner with because as the leading smart security company it puts control in the palm of your hand. And you don’t just get incredible protection -- it’s easy to upgrade and integrate other smart home features that can save you time and money. Ready to find out why you should invest in an system? Keep reading.

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Visual Video Verification

Up to 90 percent of home alarms are false. That may seem like an alarming statistic, but with’s Visual Video Verification, you can easily avoid them while remaining in control of your safety.

Named CES’ Product of the Year in 2019, Visual Video Verification adds a step to the emergency process. When your alarm goes off, both you and your monitoring partner are notified, so you can make a call as to whether it's a real emergency directly from the app. If not, you can quickly stop the alarm and avoid alerting the authorities.

With Visual Video Verification, you can rely on real human confirmation to help streamline and simplify your home security system.

Two-Way Voice

Video Verification isn’t the only way gives you power over your own security. Their new two-way voice service feature allows you to communicate through cameras and the smartphone app.

Easily communicate with your loved ones from anywhere in the world thanks to easy access from your smartphone or tablet. You can let them know when you’ll be home, what’s for dinner, and even chat with the family pet if you want to. It’s a fun way to stay in touch that also helps enhance security in your property.

Work with Your Local Security Experts

Alpha Dog AVS is your local source for your smart security and home automation needs. We serve southern Georgia and northeastern Florida, so we know your neighborhood better than the national companies.

If you want to work with a local security partner who can help determine solutions that fit your needs and lifestyle, we want to hear from you. Our expert staff can help you build a system that works for you, and we even partner with trade professionals like builders, designers, and architects to help you achieve your security and integrated technology goals.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 1-904-ALPHA95 today!

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