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3 Smart Home Upgrades for a Boost in Health & Happiness

Learn How These Smart Technologies Can Support You and Your Family’s Wellness

3 Smart Home Upgrades for a Boost in Health & Happiness

We all know that with even the best intentions, healthy habits can be hard to keep. Our work and family lives are just as stressful as they are gratifying and often result in sleepless nights, skipped workouts, convenient junk food, and overall fatigue. Luckily for the busy homeowner, smart home automation is working to help get us back on track.

While your healthy lifestyle cannot depend on a smart home alone, these technology upgrades can significantly help aid the healthy life you strive for. Read on to learn what they are and how they can help you take the next step toward better health and happiness in your Jacksonville, FL home.

SEE ALSO: 3 Ways a Connected Home Transforms Your Living Experience—for the Better

Air Quality Detection Can Prevent Sickness

You may think cautiously about the air you breathe outside, but have you ever thought about the pollution that exists inside your home? The Environmental Protection Agency says that 96 percent of homes have at least one type of indoor air quality (IAQ) issue, from pollen or dust particles to even paint fumes. When these contaminants are ignored, they can build up and cause aggressive allergies, asthma, and other health problems.

Combat poor air quality in your home with the Control4 Wireless Thermostat by Aprilaire that can monitor for conditions like air purity and humidity, as well as integrate with air purifiers, ventilation systems, and dehumidifiers for cleaner breathing. The Control4 smart thermostat can even send status reports to your smartphone so you can see when healthy levels are off and understand how your habits play a role in your home’s overall air quality.

With the Control4 Wireless Thermostat that allows you to actively monitor, regulate, and control the conditions of your home environment, you’ll breathe easier and feel better than ever.

Tunable Lighting Can Enhance Your Sleep

Finding holistic ways to cure sleepless nights can be difficult—especially when a busy life makes you pressed for time. But sleep plays an imperative role in our physical and mental health as ongoing sleep deficiency can cause an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and even stoke.

Smart LED lighting is making strides in helping homeowners everywhere sleep better. When implemented with your comprehensive Control4 system, smart LED lighting can adjust the light fixtures in your home to automatically sync with natural sunlight from morning to evening, which keeps our circadian rhythm working properly.

Our circadian rhythm, or internal clock, is a process our body uses to regulate itself and stay in line with a 24-hour-day cycle. The sun’s blue morning hues help our body release cortisol, which works as nature’s alarm clock to give us a burst of energy throughout the day. By contrast, the sun’s orange evening hues help our bodies release melatonin, which internally signals that it’s time for sleep.

When paired with your home’s control system, smart LED lighting can help you and your family catch more z’s by encouraging proper energy during the day and restful slumber in the night.

Automation Can Help Reduce Stress

Think of all the tasks you do in the morning before you leave for work or start your day. In a house with kids and pets, those tasks multiply and take away huge chunks of time you could be applying elsewhere. Though your smart home can’t walk your dog for you, it can perform many other menial tasks so you can have more time for yourself.

With an automation system, wake up in the morning to risen shades and drapes, a lit home, your favorite playlist streaming the halls, and coffee brewing in the kitchen. When it’s time to leave for the day, shut down and lock up your entire property at just the press of a button. Remotely monitor the status of your property with your smartphone and control every smart function in your home from anywhere.

That’s just the beginning of what smart home automation can do for you. An integrated control system allows you to ditch the stressful routines and enjoy more time for you and your family. You’ll wonder how you ever got through the day without it.

Start improving your health and happiness today by contacting our expert team of smart home integrators at (904) 257-4295 or filling out our contact form below.

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