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4 Benefits of Access Control

Keep Your New D.R. Horton Home Safe with Smart Home Security

4 Benefits of Access Control

There’s nothing better than the peace of mind that comes with knowing your Saint Augustine, FL home is safe and sound. With a smart security system for your new D.R. Horton home, you can get the most out of your day-to-day activities, while keeping an eye on your property. One of the best ways to ensure your home is safe is with an access control system. And the benefits go beyond security! In this blog, we'll show you precisely what you can do with access control. Keep reading to find out more.

See Also: What Are The Benefits Of A Smart Home Powered By Alarm.Com?

Automated Door Locks

We’ve all been here: leave the house in the morning, get comfortable and productive at the office, and then about the time you go for your first coffee refill it hits you: did you forget to lock the door?

Chances are, you did. But the anxiety can be a big distraction throughout your workday. It may even prompt you to waste time and gas returning to your property to check.

With an integrated access control system, you can ensure every door is locked with the touch of a button. As you leave the house, you can arm the system. The alarm turns on, and each door secures itself. You’re never left guessing if everything is locked.

Remote Access

Imagine it's a long day at work. You've got plenty on your plate, and there's no way you'll be home early. The problem is, you have your family coming in from out of town. They'll be at your house long before you can get home and greet them in person.

So, what do you do? It’s not a good idea to leave a key out for them. Potential thieves know to look under doormats and how to identify fake rocks.

Instead, an electronic access control system can help. When your relatives arrive at the door, you can communicate two ways via your electronic doorbell's native video camera. Once you've confirmed their identity, simply press a button on your smartphone or tablet and disengage the locks. They can go right in, and you can secure the door again behind them.

Individual Access Codes

Additionally, you can assign each member of your family individual access codes. Once used, the system will keep a record of who has gone in and out of your home. You can even receive push notifications each time the device is engaged. That way, you’ll know the second your kids get home from school or if anyone leaves the house late.

Plus, you can assign temporary codes. If your family is over from out of town, give them temporary codes so they can get in and out without notifying you each time.

And, with a modern system, access comes in a few varieties. Traditional number codes, keycards, and even biometric options like retina and fingerprint scans are available.

Save Energy

Sure, an access control system can help you keep your home safe. But can it help you save energy? The answer is simple: yes!

Access control is just one part of an integrated security and automation solution. When you combine your access systems with other devices, you can ensure they work together to improve your lifestyle.

For instance, when you tap the button that locks up all your doors as you leave, the same command can speak to your thermostat and have it adjust to a higher temperature. When you come home, the thermostat can change back. You'll remain comfortable throughout your day, and you won't waste energy while you're away.

Want to learn more great ways Alpha Dog Security help you enhance your D.R. Horton home? Call now to get started: 1-904-ALPHA95

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