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Looking for a New Security System?

Make Sure to Ask These 3 Questions

Looking for a New Security System?

If you’re shopping for a new security system, you want to know your home will be safe. Security systems are all about deterring theft and damage to property and avoiding dangerous situations. They are also about informing you of any incidents so you can act appropriately.

To do all that well, your Jacksonville, FL home security system must be reliable and not have a fatal flaw that renders all its best features useless. If you’re looking for a new security solution, here are three essential questions to ask any provider.

See Also: Why Is the Superior Choice for Your Home Security System

What happens when the power goes out?

All electronic systems require power. What happens when there is a power outage? Does your security system not work at all? A good solution will employ an integrated battery backup capability. The battery should keep itself intelligently charged, always ready for the next outage. The system should also be able to report the battery's charge level and condition and not need frequent replacement. If the power goes out or it’s cut on purpose from outside, your home is still protected.

How resilient is the system?

To alert you of something wrong, a security system needs to have a communication capability. What happens if your router is down, or your internet connection? Or the power? Does the system have the ability to use a different method like cellular communication? Receiving an alert is an excellent feature, but if the feature is dependent on only one form of communication or constant power, there may be a hole.

A sound security system will have a way of communicating wirelessly via cellular if a phone, fiber, or cable line is deliberately cut to knock out an internet connection. And battery backup for routers, alarms, and other systems is also critical to maintaining critical connections. After all, if a security camera has no power, how can it alert you that something is wrong?

How do I know everything is working?

A modern security system should have robust remote monitoring and management solutions. Remote management may entail important firmware updates to fix any possible flaws in software that may present a hacking risk. It should also provide tools for monitoring all aspects of the system – camera video feeds, alarm state, data from sensors like temperature and humidity, the last time someone entered the house, and much more.

Remote features are a must for peace of mind. Not only do you want to know when something is wrong, but you also want to know everything is working as it should because you don't want to find out about the damage from a water leak after the sensor failed.

Alpha Dog AVS is your local Northeast Florida expert integrator for home security systems. We have the answers to these critical questions and many more. Give us a call at 1-904-ALPHA95 today!

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