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Surveillance Cameras vs. Home Security Cameras: What’s the Difference?

The terms are often used interchangeably. Here’s what you need to know.

Surveillance Cameras vs. Home Security Cameras: What’s the Difference?

If you’re in the market for home security cameras, you’ve probably seen plenty of articles on surveillance cameras, smart security cameras, and other similar terms. While it can seem overwhelming at first, you should know the difference before investing in a system for your Jacksonville, FL property. The diverse systems offer vastly different results, price points, and purposes. To understand the distinctions, keep reading.

See Also: 4 Reasons You Should Have Outdoor Home Security Cameras

What Is a Security Camera?

A security camera is just that; a camera used for security purposes. However, a “smart” security camera is much more specific and purpose-built. It’s designed to integrate with other security features like alarms, sensors, lighting, and more. Plus, most smart cameras are intended to give you real-time access to live footage. You can review footage and make adjustments to connected home technology like smart lights and locks via your smartphone.

What Is a Surveillance Camera?

In the simplest terms, a surveillance camera is any camera used in a surveillance system. Surveillance systems are much more robust recording tools than smart security cameras, and their primary purpose is to record and store hours of information for after-the-fact review.

That means a surveillance camera must connect with a DVR or NVR to serve its function. Rather than offering real-time views of your business, smart surveillance systems are built to continuously monitor areas, simplify finding footage of activity, and utilize advanced tools like AI analytics to help understand movement and flows.

Which One Is Right for Me?

Unless your property is exceptionally large or highly trafficked, you probably don't need a full-scale surveillance system. They're used in stores, warehouses, and other commercial establishments for loss prevention, queue management, and other operational tasks.

Instead, you’ll want a robust, interconnected smart home security system featuring integrated security cameras. That way, you’ll always have an eye on what’s happening in and around your property.

Many homeowners love the idea of staying ahead of developing situations at home, even when they’re miles away. With a smart security camera system, you’ll always have easy access to your spaces.

At Alpha Dog, we specialize in developing integrated security technology systems that fit your needs and lifestyle. We’re your local experts, and we offer insight into the kinds of technology you’ll need, the latest advancements, and what you won’t need to upgrade for years to come.

If you want to learn more about smart home security cameras, alarm systems, integrated technology, or surveillance systems for your business, give us a call at 1-904-ALPHA95 today!

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