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The One Technology You Don’t Want to Overlook in Your Home Theater System

Optimize Your Theater for the Ultimate Viewing Experience

the one technology you don t want to overlook in your home theater system

When you think about adding a home theater system to your Jacksonville property, you probably think about the quality of your projector, or how immersive the audio sounds.

It makes sense: those are the most exciting aspects of enhancing your entertainment. After all, what’s the point of building a system that’s not going to offer you the very best picture and sound quality?

But while you may optimize your projector and screen combo for crisp 4K HDR presentation and configure your speaker channels for realistic sound reproduction – and even add acoustical treatments and custom seating to your space to enhance the experience – there’s one aspect of theater design that often goes overlooked.

What is your theater missing? How can you improve it dramatically? Find out here.


See Also: What You Should Know For Your Home Theater System Installation


The Problem with Home Theaters

We all know how a theater is supposed to function. The viewer sits viewing the screen. A projector faces forward. Light reflects off the screen to produce an image.

But in north Florida, it’s not always that simple. Because theaters don’t exist in dark basements, you must contend with ambient light. That’s the light that filters in through windows and doorways that can quickly wash out a projected image, especially if you’re trying to enjoy your favorite movies and sports during the daylight hours.

There are few rooms in a Florida-built home that don’t feature windows. It is known as “The Sunshine State,” after all. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a fully functioning system that plays just as well as a commercial theater – and the solution likely doesn’t involve additional construction.

So how do you beat ambient light situations?


Simple Solution: Motorized Shades

Picture this: you’ve just sat down in a custom theater seat. A tap on your touch panel remote starts the projector and surround sound system. The lights dim overhead. Even the thermostat adjusts to a cozy temperature.

Along the windows, blackout curtains begin to drop. Suddenly, the room is dark. The picture on the screen pops with brightness. You even begin to forget you’re sitting just a few feet away from the Florida sun…

Ok, maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement. But motorized blackout shades will block ambient light from entering your space. They will enhance your entire theater experience. And the best part? They can fully integrate with your smart home system.

Plus, they can do a lot more than simply reduce light. Smart shading can minimize energy costs by regulating internal temperatures, and enhance privacy, too.


Want to learn more about how ambient light can affect your home theater system? Or find more cool technology solutions?

Click the button at the bottom of your screen to begin chatting with an expert member of our staff right now!


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