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When Is It Time to Consider a Medical Alert Device?

Learn How Medical Alert Systems Provide Loved Ones with a New Level of Freedom

When Is It Time to Consider a Medical Alert Device?

If you have a loved one in your life who is newly concerned about falling or is in potential need of medical assistance, then you know how difficult navigating this situation can be. Having help at their fingertips improves not only their peace of mind but also yours, especially if you don’t live nearby in Florida.

The alternative is to lose valuable freedom and move into an assisted living center, which is undoubtedly the best choice in some situations. However, it’s likely your loved one still desires some flexibility in their lifestyle that they would lose if moved to a center in Jacksonville or the surrounding area.

Keep reading to learn more about the Belle+ medical alert system we support at Alpha Dog and how it can ease your concerns regarding your loved one living in place instead of an assisted living center.

SEE ALSO: Protect Your Loved Ones with Medical Alert Devices

When Is It Time For an mPERS?

Needing assistance does not mean your loved one should lose aspects of their personal freedom; they simply need a quick and effective method to request help if there is a medical emergency. It is important to look at their needs and assess your loved one’s situation, whether they are a parent or friend.

If your friend or family member has a history of falls, then being prepared for a quick response in the case of another incident is imperative. If they are living alone, have an unsteady gait or weakness due to surgery or age, or if you find it would bring everyone peace of mind, then it’s time to consider the aid of a medical alert device, otherwise known as an mPERS (mobile personal emergency response system).


When considering an alert device, look no further than the Belle+. It provides users with the freedom to explore the Jacksonville-area while staying connected via the Verizon 4G LTE network. Wi-Fi, GPS location services and fall detection are also available on these innovative medical alert pendants.

In case of an incident, designated contacts are notified during and after emergencies. You can even select someone to receive email or smartphone alerts when the Belle+ battery should be charged or whenever it is powered down. Thanks to the 24/7 connection to a care center, your loved one is always in good hands. Care specialists have access to vital information such as allergies and preferred hospitals, so they’ll be treated like family by the team.

Why Alpha Dog

At Alpha Dog Security, we specialize in providing personalized technology solutions that will make your life easier, safer, and more enjoyable. We have a long history of assisting Floridians with their needs as well as their family’s needs. Contact us at 1-904-ALPHA95 (257-4295) to explore the possibilities of medical alert systems for your loved one today.

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