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Why a Network Installation is Must-Have for New Homes

Set Up Your Smart Devices for Success

Why a Network Installation is Must-Have for New Homes

Buying a new home in the Jacksonville, Florida area is incredibly exciting, but there’s definitely a lot to consider. What paint color do you want in each room? What type of security system should you install? What style of countertops will look best in the kitchen? And so on. With so many decisions on the table, it’s easy to miss out on things that, looking back, would have been best to tackle during move-in.

One of the most overlooked items is a home networking installation. It’s not a decision that is as creative and fun as choosing backsplash, but it can have a big impact on your enjoyment of your new home. Time and time again, when we have the conversation about the benefits of a professional network installation, our clients will say “I wish I had done this right when I first moved in.”


SEE ALSO: Introduction To Home Network Installations: What You Need To Know

So, let’s dig into why professional networking equipment is the right choice, and why it’s smart to do it right before move-in.


Technology is Everywhere. Your Network Should be too.

Back in the 1990s and 2000s, you could get away with the bare minimum for a home network. You probably just needed the capacity to provide internet to one or two computers – that’s all.

Unfortunately, the standard router from your Internet Service Provider just doesn’t cut it anymore. Smartphones, smart TVs, and voice-controlled devices like Amazon Alexa are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the technology you could have in your home.

And with that much technology, you need a home network that can ensure that each and every device is functioning smoothly and reliably – no spotty internet, no buffering while you’re waiting for a video to load, no dead zones where you can’t get WiFi at all.

So, the need for a professional home network installation is a no-brainer, but why during move-in in particular?


Your Dream Home Right from the Start.

First, why would you want to have to deal with the issues listed above for any amount of time? Just like you wouldn’t want to live for a few months or a year with doors that don’t lock properly, it just makes sense to do it right the first time. From the first day in your new home, you’ll be able to enjoy all of your smart technology worry-free.

Second, your home network installation may require cables to be run through walls, depending on your needs. If it’s possible to have that part of the process completed during home construction, before the walls are closed up, you save yourself money and eliminate the need to open the walls back up to do additional wiring.


If you’re in the process of having your dream home built, seriously consider having the home network installation done at the same time. And if you’re already in your dream home, it’s not too late to have a reliable and secure network that provides WiFi to every corner of your property. Give us a call at 1-904-ALPHA95 (257 4295) or click on the live chat window at the bottom of the screen to learn more about the different networking options.


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