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Start Wiring for Home Security Before Completing Your New Home Construction

Thanks to Alpha Dog and D.R. Horton, a home security installation is efficient and safe

Start Wiring for Home Security Before Completing Your New Home Construction

If you’re about to start building a new home in the Jacksonville, FL area, you’ve got a lot on your mind. You need to find a trusted building partner, decide on the amenities you’ll love, and find the right styles to work with your vision. Thankfully, D.R. Horton is available to help. As America’s largest home builder, you can trust them to craft the experience necessary.

That’s why we at Alpha Dog partner with them to deliver the best home security experience to your property. We recommend that you start wiring for your security system before the walls go up, so you don’t have to waste money on inefficient after-the-fact installation. Want to learn more about D.R. Horton, home security, and how we can help you achieve your goals? Keep reading.

See Also: How Smart Lighting Can Help Bolster Security In Your New Home

Laying the Groundwork for Security

A smart home security system consists of many different components that work together to keep you safe. Surveillance cameras, alarms, video intercoms, access control systems, and entryway sensors combine to enhance the safety of your property. While wireless solutions may be a great starting point, homeowners can enjoy a more effective, safer, and efficient system by hardwiring their devices to a centralized control system.

Wiring is a complex process. If done incorrectly, you can have a mess of cables inside your walls. Plus, poor wiring can lead to problems with your electrical systems or cause false alarms. Not only can you face potential danger, but you could also face fines from the local government.

Structured cabling from a certified expert helps minimize those problems. Rather than an unruly mess of cables and wires, your system will be easy to service thanks to in-wall structures that support them and organize them. When your system requires maintenance, a technology professional can quickly go in and fix any problems.

Additionally, you can lay the groundwork to scale the system in the future. Technology changes, components update, and new devices hit the market regularly. Your system should have the capacity to grow over time and keep up with the latest trends in security technology.

By wiring your home before construction is completed, you can ensure your property has enough cabling and outlets to facilitate scalability.

Why Not Wireless?

With the rise in wireless technology, it may seem like a simple solution to add a wireless security system after your new home construction is completed. However, a wireless network may not support everything you want to add to keep your home safe.

Contemporary components like security cameras promise 4K resolution, night vision, and other incredible features. But sending those signals to a connected DVR is difficult over the bandwidth limitations of most Wi-Fi networks. Fiberoptic, HDMI, and other high-bandwidth cabling run through the walls will ensure the effective transfer of information.

Moreover, wireless networks are inherently more vulnerable to outside attacks. While it's easy to protect your Wi-Fi network with firewalls, VPNs, and anti-virus software, you should take the extra precaution of minimizing your reliance on Wi-Fi. Because your security system is composed of fixed components, you only stand to benefit from a hardwired network.

Work with Us Today!

When you work with D.R. Horton and Alpha Dog, you can enjoy the most convenient, seamless security installations in your new home construction.

Give us a call today at 1-904-ALPHA95 to get started!

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