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4 Shocking Burglary Facts You Need to Know

Keep Criminals at Bay with a Smart Home System

4 Shocking Burglary Facts You Need to Know

A burglary takes place about every 18 seconds in the United States. That adds up to roughly 4,800 burglaries a day. You may be startled, but it’s helpful to know the facts behind how and when burglaries occur in order to better combat them and keep your home secure.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of important (and surprising!) facts about burglaries as well as how your smart home system can help keep intruders in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL at bay. Read below for more!

1. Most Criminals Can Burglarize a Home in Under 10 Minutes

Burglars are always searching for easy targets. That’s why experienced criminals can come and go in minutes if you leave your home vulnerable to unwanted intrusion.

Smart Home Tip: Strengthen your home’s exterior defense by integrating your control system with smart locks. You’ll receive instant alerts on your smartphone or tablet if you leave a door or window unlocked, and you’ll be able to secure those unlocked entrances from anywhere in the world—all from the same screen.

You can also create one-word scenes like Home or Away and integrate them with your smart locks for instant access control when you’re in a hurry. Can’t remember if you secured your home when you left? Just select Away on your app, and you can rest assured that your home is locked up tight

2. Most Burglaries Occur Between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM

Many would probably guess the majority of break-ins happen at night, but criminals find more success during the day when families are at work or school since this reduces the chances of getting noticed.

Smart Home Tip: Keep an eye on your home with a smart surveillance system that allows you to see any unexpected activity in or outside your property from your smartphone or tablet. Your surveillance system can send you immediate alerts once it detects any unwanted activity and can even send a notification to local authorities. Whether you’re at a work desk or school desk, you’ll have peace of mind that your home is safe.

3. Most Burglaries Take Place in the Summertime                 

Summertime is the season for vacationing. As families leave to fulfill fun travel plans, burglars keep an eye on their empty homes. However, although the summer may be peak time for break-ins, any home is susceptible to crime when its owners leave for extended periods—no matter the season.

Smart Home Tip: Stage an occupied home by scheduling scenes that mimic your family’s daily routines. Set your outdoor and indoor lights to turn on automatically at 5:00 PM and turn off at 9:00 PM to simulate activity inside your home. Criminals will think someone is home and hesitate to enter your property.

For more simulation, use motion-sensor lights to turn on when activity is detected on your lawn. Before criminals can even get to your door, your porch lights will shine bright and signify that someone is home.

4. Burglars Tend to Avoid Homes with Security Systems

More than half of burglars say the presence of a home security system influenced their decision to break into another home, according to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

Smart Home Tip: Upgrade your smart home system for better home security and peace of mind by calling our team at Alpha Dog. We’re Florida’s top smart home security system installer and pride ourselves in delivering only the most robust solutions that keep your property safe.

Contact our team today to learn more about how our smart home solutions can help better protect your property from unwanted activity. Just click the “Contact Us” button below or send us a live chat to get started now.

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